(951) 666-0706

18821 Delaware St, Suite 105
Huntington Beach, CA

Had a Hair Transplant?

Had hair transplant for androgenetic alopecia (AGA)?

You need maintenance therapy if you want to keep the hair you transplanted. Hair transplants are expensive, but they do provide nice results. However, in order to keep those results, you need to continue the fight against male pattern hair loss, because the hair loss due to AGA will continue.

Laser therapy, nutriceuticals, DHT blocking agents (minoxidil, finasteride), Platelet rich plasma, exosomes and local measures are just a few of the tools we have to not only keep our transplanted hair intact, but also reactivate your own hair growth.

Visit us: med-laser-aesthetics.com Call 951-666-0706 for appointment! 


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