Facials should be an important part of your skin care routine. No matter how great your skin care products are and how faithfully you apply them, your skin still needs additional cleaning, hydration and balancing to prevent the inexorable loss of collagen due to aging.
It takes about 4 weeks for skin cells to regenerate. You should wait for your skin cells to regenerate before getting an additional facial or laser treatment. That is why most experts recommend a professional facial every 4 to 6 weeks.
Hydration Facial:
Relax while our aesthetician cleanses, massages and hydrates your face. This facial not only hydrates and tones your skin, it extracts blackheads and comedones, cleans pores and reduces inflammation.
Hydration is critical to skin wellbeing, most specially as we age. Aging decreases the amount of major lipid skin components, as well as ceramides and hyaluronic acid – all of which compromise our ability to properly maintain skin hydration[1].
Hydration is key to maximizing laser treatment results. If your moisture level is below 35% you will not achieve optimal laser skin tightening results. Which is why we measure your hydration prior to the Fotona4D and any other skin tightening laser procedure.
To maximize the benefits of your facial, we recommend the addition of serums containing vitamin C, hyaluronic acid and ceramides. Ask our aesthetician about our pharmaceutical grade serums.
Duration: 30 minutes
[1] Camillion, JV et.al., Physiological, Pathological, and Circadian Factors Impacting Skin Hydration, Cureus, 2022.

Hydra-Dermabrasion Facial:
The Hydra-Dermabrasion Facial adds exfoliation to the basic Hydration Facial. The Hydra-Dermabrasion Facial uses spiral vortex tips to remove the outer layer of skin, while the “X-Stream” solution comes out from the center of the tip, and waste materials are sucked out at the same time. The addition of the hydrating “X-Stream” solution makes it possible to remove outer skin and waste from the pores with minimal damage to the skin.
Hydra-Dermabrasion can decrease the appearance of fine facial lines and improve the look of many skin flaws, including acne scars, scars from surgery, age spots and wrinkles.
To maximize the benefits of your facial, we recommend the addition of serums containing vitamin C, hyaluronic acid and ceramides. Ask our aesthetician about our pharmaceutical grade serums.
Duration: 55 minutes

SkinGlo Facial:
The SkinGlo Facial uses our exclusive Skywalker PQX Fractional Pico laser to remove the top layer of facial skin. This treatment is used to treat uneven skin tone. Which is caused by photodamage, age spots, redness, skin irritation and a variety of skin problems.
To maximize the benefits of your facial, we recommend the addition of Kimera Vive exosomes or pharmaceutical grade serums.
Duration: 30 minutes + 45 Minutes of local anesthetic cream

Microcurrent Facial:
This facial includes the features of the Hydrating Facial with the addition of microcurrent. Applying microcurrent to the skin helps to stimulate collagen, elastin and facial muscles, creating a lifted, redefined, sculpted appearance. The increased collagen, can prevent future sagging.
This facial can help to increase blood circulation and lymphatic drainage resulting in a reduction in puffiness. The treatment is painless, has no downtime and provides both short-term and long-term results.
Take your face to the gym!
To maximize the benefits of your facial, we recommend the addition of serums containing vitamin C, hyaluronic acid and ceramides. Ask our aesthetician about our pharmaceutical grade serums.
Duration: 55 minutes

Laser Rejuvenation Facial
The Laser Rejuvenation Facial is a fractional light peel that removes the top layer of skin and creates channels to enable absorption of Kimera Vive exosomes or pharmaceutical grade serums, which are brushed onto the face. The depth of the peel can be modified to achieve desired results. The deeper the peel the longer the downtime.
Duration: 30 minutes + 45 Minutes of local anesthetic cream.

Microneedling Facial:
Microneedling is a very versatile and classical aesthetic procedure with a variety of indications and applications. Microneedling increases collagen production by stimulating fibroblasts and helps normalize melanocyte and keratinocyte cell function[1]. It also promotes skin health and restoration, favoring adequate hydration.
Benefits include: reduced pore size, fine lines and wrinkles. There are also regenerative effects due to the increased skin collagen and elastin. Gentle under eye microneedling may improve discoloration, as well as, smooth fine lines.
We use the SkinPen, which is a state-of-the-art microneedling tool, coupled with the choice of adding serums, Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), or Kimera Vive exosomes.

Based on medical evaluation and facial analysis, the treatment may also include Tranexamic acid or vitamin C.
Duration: 30-45 minutes depending on selected serums + 30 minutes of anesthesia.
[1] Spataro, EA, et.al., Microneedling-associated procedures to enhance facial rejuvenation, Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, 30, 389-97, 2022