Reduce Fat and Tighten Loose Skin with Laser Treatments
Excessive fat and loose skin
We all want to have a perfect body…no extra bulges, love handles, sagging underarm skin or overhanging bellies. We exercise, diet and lift weights, but the bulges persist.
And, for those who have lost a lot of weight while taking weight loss medications, the sagging skin has become more and more obvious.
TREATMENT: This protocol uses a combination dual-wavelength laser treatment to sculpt and tighten skin on all body areas. The laser’s high temperature permanently destroys fat cells which the body will later excrete. The second laser step tightens the surrounding skin, which prevents sagging after the fat is eliminated
- Reduced thickness of subcutaneous fat
- Improved skin elasticity and firmness
- Smoother cellulite and surface appearance

What to Know
NUMBER OF TREATMENTS: 4 to 6 treatments, spaced 3 to 4 weeks apart.
MAINTENANCE: Depends on diet, exercise and genetics.
TIME: 60 minutes, including pictures, medical examination, and laser treatment.
PAIN LEVEL: Minimal to moderate
DOWNTIME: Some people may develop redness, which is usually gone in 24 hours.
Body Sculpting & Skin Tightening
- Purchase appropriate compression garment for the treatment area, such as Spanx®, abdominal binder, girdle, compression stockings or chin strap.
- Follow our provided Pre- and Post-Treatment Instructions.

Body Sculpting & Skin Tightening
- Drink plenty of fluids to help the body purge dead fat cells.
- Wear compression garment for 5 Days to facilitate lymphatic drainage
- Apply vitamin E or coconut oil to minimize peeling
- Follow our provided Pre- and Post-Treatment Instructions.
Ruta Ganceviciene, Aikaterini I. Liakou, Athanasios Theodororidis, Evgenia Makrantonaki & Christos C. Zouboulis (2012) Skin anti-aging strategies, Dermato-Endocrinology, 4:3, 308-319, DOI: 10.416/derm.22804