Reduce melasma & hyperpigmentation with our Melasma Laser Treatment
Hyperpigmentation? Melasma Laser Treatment
Our process treats pigmented skin conditions, such as freckles, moles, melasma, sun spots, keratoses, and old age spots. Results take time and several sessions will be needed.
Laser Removal of Pigmentation
Our laser uses pinpoint accuracy to destroy pigment, without damage to the surrounding tissue. The laser sends one trillionth of a second pulses of extreme energy to the targeted area. The pulses do not have heat, which makes the laser safe for all skin types and for conditions impacted by heat, such as melasma.

Additional Hyperpigmentation Treatment
We can also prescribe medication that will reduce pigment production.
Laser Removal of Pigmented Lesions
- Safe and effective procedure
- Minimal recovery times
- Suitable for all skin types
- No scalpel, no sutures
- Controlled, accurate and precise
- Exceptionally well-tolerated by patient

Cencic B, Lukac M, Marincek M, Vizintin Z. “High Fluence, High Beam Quality Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser with Optoflex Delivery System for Treating Benign Pigmented Lesions and Tattoos “Journal of the Laser and Health Academy, Vol. 2010. No. 1.
Landau JM, Vergilis-Kalner I, Goldberg LH, Geronemus RG, Friedman PM, “Treatment of Nevus of Ota in Fitzpatrick skin type VI with the 1064-nm QS Nd:YAG laser” Lasers Surg Med. 2011 Feb;43(2):65-7.
Lee WJ, Han SS, et al. Ann Dermatol, “Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser Therapy of Acquired Bilateral Nevus of Ota-like Macules”. 2009 August; 21(3): 255–260.