18821 Delaware St, Suite 105
Huntington Beach, CA

Hand Rejuvenation

Hand Rejuvenation

Hands show your age. Age spots, loss of volume and thinner skin are theresult of aging. At MLA we have a protocol to rejuvenate hands – we use acombination of laser treatments to remove the age spots and enhance the skinquality and laxity, rendering a more youthful look. 

Microneedling – Much Improved Since 100BC

Chinese Microneedling Since 100BC

Microneedling is the art of penetrating the skin with very small needles creating controlled tissue damage that stimulates the body’s healing response. This results in increased collagen and elastin production, enhanced vascularity and, ultimately, skin rejuvenation. The Chinese were the first to employ microneedling with the purpose of allowing Qi (vital energy) to enter through […]

Total Hand Rejuvenation

Remove signs of aging and skin damage from your hands

Are your hands the tell-tale measure of how old you are? Yes, like our face, our hands lose volume, wrinkle, develop age spots and the skin thins with the passage of time. How can we restore our hands’ youthfulness? Fillers alone do not restore the skin elasticity or suppleness. It does not do anything for […]

Weight loss and what happens after?

Body Sculpting and Skin Tightening

Weight loss and maintenance of weight is a complex medical field that requires more well-designed research studies and expanded general public knowledge. Each patient is unique and there is no sure-fire “cookbook” approach, although there are some useful general guidelines. After the weight loss comes the “what do I do now”, because these patients lose […]

Is your New Year’s Resolutions to lose those extra pounds?

Weight Loss Options New Year's Resolutions

If you are overweight or obese, weight loss is good for you. It improves high blood pressure, diabetes, knee arthritis pain and sleep disorders, among other conditions. Don’t know where to start? Come and sit down with us for a consultation and get a short and long-term multifaceted plan which is feasible for you to accomplish. There […]